Since my last blog post, I have turned in my story assignment, gotten feedback and continued to work on it. After getting the feedback, I am definitely ready to round out the entire story and to share all of the information I got from my interviews. At this stage of the process, I am completing the project: next Monday the infographic is due, and from then on, it’s the final stretch until the end of the semester. Soon, I will be gathering my final pieces of information and preparing my site to be presented to the whole class. The end of this semester is creeping up extremely quickly, and I’m getting more and more excited to graduate. With one more semester to go, I’m grateful that I’m leaving college with many new skills, and many ideas for my future.
This week we are having class virtually, and learning how to embed an interactive Google map into our WordPress websites. This was a very cool skill to learn, and it is one of many things that I can add onto my resume.