Category Archives: Blog Reflections

This is a reflection based off of a webinar. Today, Lise Olsen visited the JMS department virtually, read an excerpt from her book and talked about her investigative reporting that brought a federal judge to justice. Check out Code of Silence. Investigative journalism makes a difference because Lise Olen talked about how it’s very likely that without her reporting, the judge would have gotten away with it. It took years of Lise Olsen investigating this topic, talking to people, learning about the judicial misconduct system, etc., to be able to tell these stories. Olsen said that it took years to be able to get to know some of her sources well enough to tell their stories in a more narrative way throughout the book. By being able to go very deep into this topic, she was able to excavate the story from underneath decades of silence. This is a totally…

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At this point, we’re getting ready to finish the semester, and our final deadlines are starting to creep up. This week in 430 we’re going to be going over our final checklist for this website, and after that we have our projects to finish! I’m excited to be finishing the semester, and I’m satisfied looking back on the academic year that I’ve had. In this class, I’ve learned a lot of useful skills and techniques in digital journalism like knowing how to exist in an online space. I’m excited to be already using what I’ve learned in this class for other classes, and independent projects. Being able to work with HTML and CSS was one of the most interesting and challenging parts of the class for me, and I hope that I am on track to check everything off that final checklist. This week will be very important for completing…

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Since my last blog post, I have turned in my story assignment, gotten feedback and continued to work on it. After getting the feedback, I am definitely ready to round out the entire story and to share all of the information I got from my interviews. At this stage of the process, I am completing the project: next Monday the infographic is due, and from then on, it’s the final stretch until the end of the semester. Soon, I will be gathering my final pieces of information and  preparing my site to be presented to the whole class. The end of this semester is creeping up extremely quickly, and I’m getting more and more excited to graduate. With one more semester to go, I’m grateful that I’m leaving college with many new skills, and many ideas for my future.  This week we are having class virtually, and learning how to…

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For this blog post, I will be giving an update on my progress in JMS 430. Our story assignment is due next week, and at this point I have all of my interviews done. It is very exciting to have the opportunity to work on a story for the whole semester. This gives me a chance to use a lot of the journalistic interviewing techniques that we learned about last year like holding multiple interviews with your sources. Or, being able to incorporate multimedia into my story! Having all the extra time (instead of just a few weeks like we had for the 310W capstone) gives me the chance to go a lot more in depth which is the part of journalism that I’m most interested in. Being able to have ample time to research is a huge luxury, and I am taking the opportunity! I know that in the…

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During the story idea pitches last week, it was so interesting to see all of my peers’ presentations. It was almost like a full circle moment for me because I have so many memories of presentation days going like ours did last week, but everything about it was entirely different from what I’m used to. Besides the anxiety, that is. But, even that was so much less than it used to be just a few years ago. First, it’s really exciting to be in these upper division classes, and to be surrounded by so many talented people that are doing so much at the same time. I feel like I am the short pencil in this poster above, and this is what I’ve been waiting for. Not that I’ve been the sharpest pencil up until now, far from that, but I just feel like everything in my education up until…

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Welcome to my blog and my first real blog post! I am excited to be starting this Spring semester because this time next year it will be my final semester at San Diego State University. For this class, I am looking forward to getting practice at being a media professional and digital storyteller. Taking this class is not exactly something that I expected to take when I first entered the journalism program, but as I’ve moved through all the required courses I’ve learned how important it is to be versatile. We’ve learned in many JMS classes that just being a writer isn’t enough to be a journalist because today journalists have to be multimedia professionals. Still, I’m excited to be in this class because I feel like I have a lot to learn which I’m hoping will mean I get the most out of it. All of my classes this…

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